So I have to ask you, do you like looking like everyone else? I really hope you answered no, because if you said yes this might not be for you. Well before you can do that with your brand spankin' new tattoo, is choose one that you are going to be able to live with for the rest of your life! A tattoo is not a kiddy choice, so you need to make sure you don't get one that you hate later. The internet can be your best friend or your worst enemy when it comes to picking a great tat. What is important is that when you see it you know in your heart that it is THE one!
If you are like me, you are probably thinking "well I don't really like looking stuff up on the internet cause its pretty complicated!" Well I am happy to report that it is NOT that hard when you know where to look. Now if you want to just go with any old design, which we already know isn't you if you have read this far, you could just do a Google search and call it a night! You gotta use the right method.
I spoke to the right folks so that you don't have to! What I found out is that there some great websites that charge you a small fee to get access to a HUGE library of original tattoo art and designs! Once you find that design that you know you absolutely must have, the news gets even better. These same websites have great reviews for local shops so you don't go to some 3rd world parlor and catch something! It is a lot better than going to get your awesome tattoo with no help at all, trust me. You can even have a tribal tattoo artist custom design your new ink!
By Dean Olmstead
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