Use impermanent tattoos as your next marketing tool for the following reasons:
o They are the cutting edge in marketing tools - Don't wait for everyone else to jump on the bandwagon. Be among the first to use this fun and expressive marketing technique to get your business noticed.
o They are fun - There are few other marketing tools that allow you, and the people to which you are marketing, to have this much fun. If you keep people smiling and happy, they will associate you with someone pleasant to call when they need your services.
o They are inexpensive - Especially when compared to other tools such as cups and t-shirts, temporary tattoos allow you to stretch your marketing budget further. In addition, by buying in large, bulk orders, you can save even more.
o They are customizable - Unlike many other advertising tools, temporary tattoos are customizable from the color right down to the design. In fact, you can use any photo, logo, artwork, or design for your business temporary tattoo. By doing so, you will ensure that you temporary tattoo is truly unique.
o They are easy to store - Other promotional tools often come in big and unwieldy boxes in which to store them. These boxes take up valuable space that could be devoted to other items. Temporary tattoos, on the other hand, are packaged in boxes that allow easy stacking and easy access to maximize your experience.
o They are a truly portable promotional tool - It is a simple task to toss a couple of boxes of temporary tattoos into your vehicle before you leave for the morning. They are durable and hardy pieces of thin cardboard. These tattoos can be tucked into your wallet, purse, or pocket so that you always have an eye catching business tool ready no matter where your travels take you.
o They are safe - Because you want to ensure that the public has a safe and enjoyable experience when interacting with your business, it is important to use only materials that are deemed safe and that meet strict governmental standards. Impermanent tattoos are made of non toxic and hypoallergenic ingredients that are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In addition, temporary tattoos meet the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) guidelines.
o They are available in a variety of sizes - There are a variety of sizes to choose from when using temporary tattoos as a advertising tool. From the smaller sizes suitable for the face to the larger sizes suitable for a larger body area such as an arm, the choice of size is yours. You can also choose to order a variety of sizes or you can choose a custom size, depending on what is the right choice for your business.
By Jennifer T Smith
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