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Tattoos, what is a tattoo anyways? Tattoos are only made by a certain kind of ink that is put into your skin with a fast moving needle, and this way the tattoo stays on your skin. Tattoos also resemble what you like and what you are. Tattoos can also become a portrait of someone you love. When looking for the right tattoo, you just need to know if you want an animal, insect, tribal, or anything.
Now to choose the tattoo that's right for you is really all up to you but this article is just giving you stuff to think about while picking out that perfect tattoo.
The first thing that you have to know is that it will be permanent and will be with you for the rest of your life so get something you want not what your girlfriend or friend wants you to get, or you will be sitting there thinking why did I get this tattoo on my arm or chest where ever you put it, there is tattoo removal but it hurts more then getting a tattoo and costs a whole lot more.
Also what does the tattoo mean to you? Does it mean anything significant? Like your father died so you could get a cross with his name and the birth and death dates under the cross, and maybe a little icon of what he did for a living like if he was in the army you could get a gun leaning against the cross or something, to some people that's all they are looking for, nothing to big or fancy it is the meaning of it that they want to have on their arm or wherever. Here is an example, when my sister was pregnant my dad gave her the nickname whale, I don't know why but that's the way my dad is, and the nickname stuck now she is into whales and has a whale tattooed on her leg and a fish on the other with bubbles and in each bubble has one of my nieces names in it and also my sons name because she loves them all and that's one of her ways of showing it. And when I get more money I will be getting my son's name tattooed on my arm because he is my son and he will be with me forever and just because I love him. And if you can't seem to find one that you like on the internet look through the tattoo artist's examples sometimes that will give you an idea or maybe it might be just what you want and what they show you is their specialty and will be more then happy to tattoo it on you.
The whole idea here is just remember that whatever you get is going to be with you forever, unless you want to go through more pain getting it removed, so when you are looking for your tattoo make sure its something you want and not your friend or girlfriend because its your body and not theirs.
By Marc Patterson
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Tattoos, what is a tattoo anyways? Tattoos are only made by a certain kind of ink that is put into your skin with a fast moving needle, and this way the tattoo stays on your skin. Tattoos also resemble what you like and what you are. Tattoos can also become a portrait of someone you love. When looking for the right tattoo, you just need to know if you want an animal, insect, tribal, or anything.
Now to choose the tattoo that's right for you is really all up to you but this article is just giving you stuff to think about while picking out that perfect tattoo.
The first thing that you have to know is that it will be permanent and will be with you for the rest of your life so get something you want not what your girlfriend or friend wants you to get, or you will be sitting there thinking why did I get this tattoo on my arm or chest where ever you put it, there is tattoo removal but it hurts more then getting a tattoo and costs a whole lot more.
Also what does the tattoo mean to you? Does it mean anything significant? Like your father died so you could get a cross with his name and the birth and death dates under the cross, and maybe a little icon of what he did for a living like if he was in the army you could get a gun leaning against the cross or something, to some people that's all they are looking for, nothing to big or fancy it is the meaning of it that they want to have on their arm or wherever. Here is an example, when my sister was pregnant my dad gave her the nickname whale, I don't know why but that's the way my dad is, and the nickname stuck now she is into whales and has a whale tattooed on her leg and a fish on the other with bubbles and in each bubble has one of my nieces names in it and also my sons name because she loves them all and that's one of her ways of showing it. And when I get more money I will be getting my son's name tattooed on my arm because he is my son and he will be with me forever and just because I love him. And if you can't seem to find one that you like on the internet look through the tattoo artist's examples sometimes that will give you an idea or maybe it might be just what you want and what they show you is their specialty and will be more then happy to tattoo it on you.
The whole idea here is just remember that whatever you get is going to be with you forever, unless you want to go through more pain getting it removed, so when you are looking for your tattoo make sure its something you want and not your friend or girlfriend because its your body and not theirs.
By Marc Patterson
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