Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Facts about African Tribal tattoo Design

1. There are some African tribal tattoo designs that are drawn to give the wearer protection from dangers. The pattern usually depicts an image that is expected to guard the person from harms throughout life.
2. African tribal scarring did not originate just as body decoration art form. They were drawn so that the wearer can take on a supernatural state, representing qualities that supersede human abilities.
3. The origin of African tribal scarring/tattooing body work dates back to 2000BC. The first few revelations depicted images of Egyptian High Priestesses with tattooed arms.
4. There is a specific African tribal scarring called cicatrisation. It is done by people with too dark skin tone for regular tattoo coloration to appear.
Tribal Tattoo- An Appealing Body Art
Tribal tattoo designs have always been an integral part of the tattoo world. A unisex pattern, tribal tattoo art is derived from different tribal regions.
Tribal tattoo designs are undoubtedly the most popular tattoo patterns that have been in existence since ages. Refined and modified over the years, these tattoo patterns are hot favorites of scores of tattoo enthusiasts. Derived from the tribal art and traditions of different tribal regions, the tribal tattoos generally depict abstract or complex patterns that look very fascinating.
Types of Tribal Tattoos

There are several tribal tattoo designs that have been popular since ages. Some of the tribal tattoos that are classified on the basis of their tribal origin are enumerated below:
Celtic Tattoos
These Celtic designs are the most popular tribal tattoos that owe their credit to the Celtic art. The design comprises several knots or loops with no starting and ending point. It is associated with the never ending cycle of death and rebirth. Animal tattoo designs like were dragon, lion etc were prevalent in the Celtic tribes.
Maoris tribal Tattoos
These tattoos owe their origin to Maoris tribe of New Zealand. The designs were used to depict ones prestige or pride and also the transition from one social status to one another.
North American Tribal Art
Among the North American tribes, the tribal tattoos denoted rank within the tribe. Different types of weapons were tattooed on their skin.
Borneo Tribal Art
Tattooing had a completely different concept for the Borneo tribes. According to them, they could actually draw energy from the spirits of the tattooed image or creature because they believed that spirits are present in everything surrounding them.
There are some other tribal tattoo arts like Samoa Tribal art and African Tribal art that do not use pigments for tattooing. Instead in these art forms the skin was carved or cut with a sharp object and the wound created was the tattoo design.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
tribal tattoos designs for women
Friday, March 26, 2010
What Are Popular Tribal Tattoos
Popular Tribal Tattoos

Taking the time to understand the culture and history of a tribal tattoo, shows a level of respect to a civilisation that has long passed. Although, that being said we no longer look at a person's tattoos to establish their success as a hunter. Nevertheless, it is important that the original inspiration remains.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
japanese back tattoos

Japanese back tattoos are way more subtle than this. They are supposed to be shown only to your girlfriend or boyfriend, or occasionally to the local Yakuza mob. Yep you are reading right, this is what subtlety is in Japan, I have heard that they are still working on it. Nobody gets it right in the first place you know?
Sexy Japanese Tattoos

When it comes to cool ideas of tattooing you crapper 't obtain the cooler such that the Japanese. Japanese tattooings crapper be titled irezumi or more correctly the horimono and ofttimes are very black and strongly detailed. Obtaining good pretty such guarantees congratulations of the grouping due to their exotic origin and great design.
Yakuza Tattoos
Japanese Tattoos Koi
japanese tattoo design for woman

japanese tattoo design for woman is beautifull that.woman in japan like is tattoo.tattoo is symbol is japan
Japanese Tatoo Design for cool men

A Japanese tattoo design can be one of the most sensational pieces you can get for yourself. The problem seems to be with finding the quality artwork online, though. You can spend days and weeks searching all over the place, all while getting frustrated. Well, here is what you need to know about the generic designs that overload the web before settling on one, as well as how to get right to the good stuff.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Tribal Tattoo Designs Bring Primitive Art to Life
Choosing A Tribal Design Tattoo